3 Easter Fundraising Event Ideas to Boost Donations
Easter is a great occasion to boost your donations, so you should definitely take advantage of it to help your fundraiser. We've made a list with Easter event ideas for you and don't forget to bring paper order forms, as it's the perfect way to raise more donations for your group!
Easter Egg Hunt
If this is not a child's favorite Easter activity, it's definitely near the top of his or her list. It's pretty simple - Easter eggs are hidden for children to find. You'll need a basket for each participating child to collect the eggs. You can use dyed or painted real hard-boiled eggs or artificial eggs. If the participants are young, you can assign different colors of eggs to each child so they won't feel left out. If the participants are older, you can make it more difficult and do a treasure hunt with clues.
For all the purchases you need to make, get gift cards through FundScrip to raise donations at the same time.
Easter Egg Decorating Contest
Decorating eggs for Easter is a must. Why not make it a contest? Reward the creative winner with chocolate eggs, and don't forget to purchase all the material and decorations you need for this activity using gift cards bought through FundScrip.
Easter Olympics
Run your own Easter-themed Olympic Games! Again, you can reward the winner with chocolate eggs or any other prize that you pay with gift cards purchased through FundScrip. Here are a few ideas of games you can have at your Easter Olympics:
Egg Toss: Keep the egg from cracking. Get everyone in teams of two. Have each partner stand, facing each other, and toss the egg back and forth. After each successful throw, have them step back to make it more difficult.
Bunny Sack Race: Bunnies hop, let's pretend to be bunnies - Like every race, there's a start and finish line. Have every participant stand in their sack at the start line, holding them with both hands at their waist. The first person to hop all the way to the finish line wins.
Egg Relay Race: Run but don't drop - Place an egg in a spoon. Get everyone in teams to compete in a race to the finish line. One member of every team has to race while carrying an egg on a spoon, to his or her next team member who will take their place with the spoon and keep racing until all the team members have completed it without dropping the egg. Be the first team to reach the finish line without dropping your egg and you win!