
North River Minor Hockey Association Raises $58,267 for Young Players

Hockey fees are getting too expensive? Here’s what North River Minor Hockey Association in PEI did. In 2008, Trevor Lank decided to enroll the North River Hockey Association in FundScrip. He saw a way to help their families raise money to be directed towards their own hockey registration fees. Many families had multiple children playing hockey plus there always more expenses after the registration like tournaments, ice time and equipment. FundScrip seemed like a great way to help offset some of the costs.

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Brazeau Gymnastics Club Raises $3,389.50 in Just One Order

Yet another FundScrip success story! Brazeau Gymnastics Club has raised $3,389.50 in just one order. Group administrator Jo Stuckenburg was very happy with the results: “We sold over $91,000 worth of gift cards. We were really pleased with it and we’re going to do another one in the fall. People like them for Christmas presents.” The group uses FundScrip donations to finance their activities like the Gymnast of the Month gala and gym fest in Edmonton.

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