
5 Ways to Boost Donations Using FundScrip’s Monthly Promotions

Every month, FundScrip introduces new promotions, in which certain retailers offer a higher donation percentage on gift cards purchased. It’s a great reason to touch base with people to boost campaign efforts. Here are some simple ideas to make sure your supporters take advantage of these promotions.

Share the Promotions Order Form

Look out for FundScrip’s monthly newsletter highlighting its current promotions. In those emails, you’ll find user-friendly order forms that can be circulated to group members and supporters either electronically or in person. Since people love saving money, it’s a great way to boost your fundraising efforts! FundScrip also prepares convenient guides from time to time, especially during peak season. Be on the lookout for those and use them to your advantage!

Send a Newsletter

A great way to keep members and supporters engaged is through a regular newsletter. Sending weekly or monthly email correspondence will remind people about your fundraiser. Since FundScrip disseminates a promotions newsletter, no need to reinvent the wheel. You can piggyback on its content and simply add your personal touch to the message. Now that’s an efficient method to generate funds with little time investment!

Post on Social Media

Take things further by sharing the promotions on social media. If you have a Facebook page, copy and paste all relevant links in your posts so that people have direct access to the content. Again, you can simply use the tools that FundScrip develops every month and conveniently employ them.

Print Posters

If your group meets in a physical location, display a few order forms in common areas. This could be on bulletin boards, scattered around on tables, or taped to cupboards and doors. For added effect, print them in colour so they stand out!

Talk About It During Meetings

Whenever your group gathers (even remotely), talk about this topic. Sometimes, people don’t check their email or social media accounts and may not be aware that these promotions are ongoing. Use the power of word-of-mouth to propel your campaign further!

Organize a Monthly Group Order

You could also orchestrate a large group order every month. Predictability and consistency can help people form habits and is a great way to maintain momentum. You could systematically share the promotions as mentioned above the first week of the month, take orders the second and third weeks, then place your group order the last week. In doing so, people will come to expect the routine and adhere to it.

Keep track of monthly promotions and use them to your advantage. This simple strategy can really help amass the most funds for your group. New to FundScrip? Get started and benefit from our ongoing support and how-to articles such as this one.