Help Your Group Every Week with a Recurring Order
One of the keys to a successful FundScrip campaign is ordering consistently. In order to make a difference in your group, you have to order every week and pay for your everyday expenses with gift cards. People sometimes tell us that the donations are small and it’s not worth the effort. But, imagine if everyone in your group ordered every week, all the small amounts will add up and you will raise a lot of money for your cause by the end of the year!
To make it even easier for you, we give you the option to place a recurring order, an order that will be placed every week without you having to do anything. This way, you never miss an opportunity to support your group and you always have your cards on time.
The trick is to choose just the right amount of gift cards in your recurring order. To help you choose, start by trying our Monthly Budget to plan your expenses and see where you spend your money. Here are the most common weekly expenses that could be used as an example of what you might want to include in your recurring order:
- Grocery: $150
- Gas: $50
- Pharmacy: $25
- Coffee: $25
- Restaurant: $50
- Movies: $25
Having a recurring order to cover your everyday expenses is great but don’t forget to also place additional orders for special occasions like fall shopping, birthdays or holiday gifts!
What is your recurring order?