
Launch a Contactless Community Fundraiser

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

As summer begins, life as we know it is slowly coming back. But throughout the country, most restrictions are being lifted carefully and being phased out. As such, the need for safe activities is still very real. Many groups have been dormant in the past year and are eager to kickstart their efforts again. Thanks to gift cards, that’s possible! Here are some tips to launch a contactless community fundraiser, get your members excited, and bring spunk back to your group.

Host a Virtual Kick Off Meeting

After a long period of inaction, most people have a strong desire to reconnect with others. Take advantage of that to create a buzz! Pick a date in the near future, contact everyone, and invite them to a virtual meeting to get the ball rolling. Platforms like Zoom and Teams have become quite popular and are known to most. If you want, send an agenda ahead of time, or keep it informal. You could also include a brainstorming session to seek opinions and get creative. Every group is unique and has its own way of functioning—there are no rights or wrongs! Use this time to refocus everyone, pitch the idea of launching or reinvigorating a campaign, and get everyone excited!

Develop a Plan

Planning is key when running a successful fundraiser. By the end of your meeting, you should set clear goals that everyone understands. You should also choose the right type of FundScrip group configuration for your situation. Since FundScrip has many convenient options when it comes to payment, distribution, functionality, etc., ask yourselves a few questions. Will your group purchase gift cards on behalf of supporters, or will they do so themselves? Will they be sent to one central location, or individually to each supporter? By crafting a robust strategy from the onset, your efforts will be streamlined and your results, optimal. And don’t worry! If you need assistance, our fundraising coaches can help you – sometimes the right configuration is not the obvious one and that’s okay!

Use Multiple Communication Channels

If you train your members adequately, they’ll know exactly how to fundraise efficiently. For example, you could set up your FundScrip Campaign Page ahead of the meeting and show people how to share your unique Campaign Link. Encourage your people to get in touch with everyone they know via multiple channels like social media, email and telephone. If your group has pictures and/or videos, make sure they’re available to all. Campaigns with good quality visuals or audio have a better chance of success!

Be Consistent

As an administrator, follow-up with your group regularly and remind members to talk about the fundraiser often. To set a good example, do this yourself as well! As part of your campaign objectives, include a frequency at which to post on social media, send emails and call family and friends. This could be done on a weekly basis. To make sure everyone stays on track, schedule monthly meetings to take stock of efforts, weed out any concerns, and give relevant updates. The single best thing you can do as an administrator is to demonstrate this type of leadership—it’ll be well worth it!

Don’t wait any longer! Start a group and receive our free information kit today! One of our fundraising coaches will contact you and determine how best to help. Already have a campaign going? Put these tips into practice and notice how well you do!