Plan Your Expenses to Make the Most Out of Your FundScrip Fundraiser
Using FundScrip gift cards for everyday expenses is the key to a successful gift card fundraising campaign. Whether you’re fundraising for your school, your religious group, your sports team or your non-profit organization, encouraging your supporters to plan their expenses in advance will help you raise the maximum amount of money for your cause. The perfect time to do your planning is when you’re preparing your monthly or annual household budget. In fact, FundScrip is a great tool to help you stick to your budget.
For everyday purchases:
A few purchases are a given; grocery, gas, pharmacy. It’s easier to plan for those expenses, especially if you’re always visiting the same retailers. To make sure you never run out of gift cards, creating a recurring order is ideal!
For entertainment:
FundScrip offers many entertainment gift cards. Depending on your family needs and preferences, you might go to the movies or a restaurant once a week. Take advantage of this to make even more money for your group. We suggest you buy gift cards to these entertainment retailers in advance, with higher denominations, to ensure you’re always ready for a night out! It’s often hard to know what you’ll be doing next weekend, but we all know which restaurants, movie theatres and coffee shops we like to visit!
For shopping:
Do your children need new clothes every season? Are you always shopping at the same stores? FundScrip offers great donations on clothing brand gift cards! Don’t worry, gift cards do not expire so you don’t have to spend it all on the first visit.
For birthdays and holidays:
Another way to raise more for your group: birthdays and holidays. Receiving a gift card is always fun! If you’re looking for a specific item for your gift, you can also purchase a gift card to that retailer on FundScrip and visit the store yourself!
With a little advance planning it’s perfectly possible to pay for most of your expenses with gift cards while raising money for your fundraiser. You simply need a little organization, and to know all these budgeting tips.
Psst : We also offer monthly promotions, where you might find your favourite retailer with a higher donation!