
Putting together your FundScrip Starter Kit

Putting together your FundScrip Starter Kit

No one understands the importance of presenting your fundraising campaign to potential supporters in a clear and concise fashion more than FundScrip. In fact, it can be said that the rate of success is often proportionate to the effort a FundScrip Group Administrator and their volunteers put into their overall campaign. That being said, it’s really vital that you start your campaign off on the right foot and with what better way than with a FundScrip Starter Kit!

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Quebec schools find fundraising silver bullet

FundScrip Campaigns Demonstration

Fundstream Inc. today released data that confirms the emergence of a new trend in school fundraising. Quebec schools are making increasing use of gift card fundraising programs to replace or complement traditional fundraising campaigns. FundScrip, the only gift card fundraising program offered in French, has seen anywhere from 40-60% year over year growth in the last three years to its gift card fundraising program among schools and educational institutions in Quebec.

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FundScrip announces new payment method: Online Bill Payment

FundScrip Campaigns Demonstration

Fundstream Inc. announced today the implementation of a new payment method for supporters using its FundScrip gift card fundraising program. The new method of payment, unique to FundScrip in gift card fundraising, Online Bill Payment Service, allows supporters of FundScrip registered not-for-profit groups and causes to pay for their orders through their online banking web sites without incurring any processing fees.

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