How to Recruit New Supporters
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." One of the first steps to achieve a successful fundraiser is to recruit new supporters. The more, the merrier! Since it's easier said than done, we've put together a list of how to go about gaining supporters for your FundScrip campaign.
1. Find Potential Supporters
First, recruit the obvious direct supporters of your group who will most likely benefit from the funds raised. Second, try to draft support from others who are not as closely linked to your group. For example, if you're fundraising for a school trip, first get the parents on board, but also reach out to other teachers and extended family members to broaden your support base.
2. Engage with Potential Supporters
Engage with your potential supporters and get to know them better if you can. Once you know what interests them, it'll be easier to get them to join your group as supporters by mentioning gift cards from retailers they like. If you're speaking with a parent, you can mention grocery and gas retailers and if you're recruiting young adults, you can mention restaurants and clothes, for example. Don't forget that we have over 230 retailers for them to choose from!
3. Ask Potential Supporters to Join
"You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take." Asking can change everything! Don't just mention your FundScrip fundraiser, but ask them directly to support your group. Make sure to explain how it doesn't cost anything extra to make donations with FundScrip, all they have to do is buy gift cards to pay for things they we're already planning to buy or for their daily expenses.
4. Have Them Become Committed Supporters
Get your supporters to commit to a certain level of participation early on. Recurring orders are great for daily needs like groceries and gas. Then follow up with them later to make sure they're actually participating.
5. Say Thank You
Saying thank you is a must while fundraising. You want your supporters to feel like their contribution is important and that they're helping make a difference in your group, because each and every one of them is! Click here to see how you can thank your supporters.