
What is Peer-to-Peer Fundraising?

If you’ve been running fundraising campaigns for some time now, you’ve probably heard of the term “Peer-to-Peer Fundraising” (P2P). What exactly is this type of fundraising, and does the FundScrip fundraising program fall under this category? In this article we’ll help you determine the difference between traditional fundraising programs and so-called peer-to-peer fundraising programs.

With traditional fundraising programs supporters raise or donate money directly to the campaign or organization.

On the other hand, with peer-to-peer fundraising, supporters take advantage of their personal network to raise funds for the cause or project. For example, someone who’s raising money for a marathon, wouldn’t simply give a donation themselves, they would raise money from their friends and family first, then donate the total amount of money raised to the organization running the marathon. Another good example of such a peer-to-peer fundraising structure are the Movember Foundation fundraising campaigns.

So, with that said, is FundScrip a traditional fundraising program, or a peer-to-peer fundraising program? The answer is that FundScrip is BOTH. Depending on how you use FundScrip, the program can function either way.

But what’s important to note, is that the FundScrip groups who raise the most money generally speaking use FundScrip as a peer-to-peer fundraising program. These groups distribute paper order forms to their social network, and sell cards to their friends and family in order to raise even more money for their group.

Now that you know what it is, are you ready to take advantage of peer-to-peer fundraising?